raised up
raised up

raised up

raised up

raised up


Welcome to my world! I've got something for you here!

Being an entrepreneur and business owner can be a wild ride. The journey of taking your idea from concept to fruition and reaping the rewards is pure excitement. Along the path to success, you will find often find yourself at a crossroads and nearly all decisions will have a financial factor.

What's the best thing to do? Which journey is most suited to me? How will events beyond my control impact me and how do I make the most of the money available?

Raised Up is here to help with a mix of tools, courses and custom support suiting you at different stages of your journey to financial abundance achieved through your business.

The combination of her experience, expertise and personable approach makes HER an absolute pleasure to work with. we feel very fortunate indeed. Developing and running a business can be challenging in so many ways and Deborah's input has been so invaluable on many levels."

Mary McLeod
Co-founder, KANKAN

I would recommend Deborah until the end of time. She has made me feel so much more confident about something I don't know and is so non judgemental and patronising when she explain things. Best thing I ever did working with her."

Hannah Sayers
Founder, Small Change CIC

Deborah really understands how to work with startups and help them to understand their business accounts. She is great to work with, seriously knowledgeable and I recommend her regularly."

Fleur Emery

SUPPORTing you

Not sure where to start? My quick quiz will guide you.

Just a little something to get you on the right foot from the start.

These are self guided courses for business owners and entrepreneurs who want to go at their own pace.

You might want to adopt a start/stop technique, going away and implementing the simple tools and strategies that you have learned and apply them to their own business or complete in one swoop. You might get a boost in confidence when you realise that you are already doing some of the things and understand that it is confidence in yourself that's missing.

This is an intensive coaching program that propels your financial management and understanding to the next level. Aimed at those who are serious about business performance and the impact that they can make.

Using a bottom up model for strength, we examine all aspects of the business finance structure. This includes systems and procedures, ways of measuring business success, maximising profit, getting money into your business and making it work for you to maximise value. And last but not least, make it attractive for potential investors. You'll work directly with Deborah.


Strong Foundations

The wise woman built her house upon the rocks and you need to do the same with your business.

But it's not just about your business. It's about You too, being the driving force behind your Big Vision.

Financial Roadmap

Planning & navigation in business is as much fun as the destination itself.

You wouldn't go on a journey without a map or a plan and neither should your business.

Maximising Profit

One things for sure, the opportunities will be endless. How do you make the most out of them and the money that you have available to you?

How will you be tax efficient and how will you use it to be do all that you want to do?

Cash Queen

Step into your power and become a cash queen. Cash is the life blood running through your business and it's a sorry fact that nearly always, the number one cause of failure in a business is lack of cash. But not if you are a queen!

Ever Ready Exit

Did you know that your business is twice as valuable than you think it is? You can have your cake and eat it. This course shows you how to get two bites of the cherry.


My signature 5 Pillar Program is founded on support, motivation and results. I work with select entrepreneurs who are super serious about taking their business to the next level.
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