raised up
A highly supportive group program with like minded individuals that gives you a straightforward pathway to a financially secure and thriving business without any of the guesswork..

- You want to step away constantly trading time for money and compromising on other things in life that is important to youY

- You struggle to find the motivation to keep engaged with your finances, even though you know you should and that it is probably harming you not to.

- You are tired of being concerned about cash so you double down but it's still not enough.

Here's the truth. It's not your fault.

But what if you could
have a step by step, easy to understand system to walk you through the only things you need to know to be managing your business finances with clarity, confidence and ease?

Imagine the scene...

You finally have the financial success behind the scenes that matches the quality that your business offers without persistently working all the hours under the sun and realise the impact that you sought to create in the beginning...
Strong Foundations

The wise woman built her house upon the rocks and you need to do the same with your business. Courses in this section look at the fundamentals to an awesome wealth generating business, leaving you feeling confident with your own understanding, mindset & capability. Scroll down for details on each module.

Module 1
It all starts with you

Becoming more aware of financial management and what impact they’ll have on you once you embrace them with ease is the first step towards better financial wellness. We examine common blocks that business owners encounter to ensure that you stand the very best chance of acquiring the financial prowess that you deserve.

Module 2
Systems made easy

Now it’s time to make epic finance management a reality. We look at best practice & habits for those from non-financial backgrounds, keeping things simple so that you spend less time on the hard work.

Here, you'll learn easy systems to adopt and top tricks to managing payments and cash balances as well as making sure you are both efficient and compliant.

Module 3
Be financially savvy with confidence

Confidence comes from knowledge and here we teach you to understand your financial statements and then, how to identify what’s important to your business and use it to drive your business forward.

Module 4
HMRC, tax & accountants made easy

They are often considered necessary evils, but a good relationship with the right accountant can really propel your business forward. We show you how to get the most out of your accountant, understand HMRC and how the tax system works, including an overview of VAT, PAYE & tax on profit, with top tips to save tax too.

Module 5
Power up your finances

Key resources can help take your business to the next level. Here, we will look at budgets and cash flow forecasts, understand how to prepare them, how to use them to make sure you maximise the impact of the profit and cash that you have and don't waste it on the useless stuff. We’ll also look at knowing when and how to bring money into your business and the various options available to you.

Module 6

A review of everything that we’ve learnt so far, with key takeaways and signposts to resources to round off your learning.

Financial Roadmap

You wouldn't typically go on a journey without having a rough idea of where you were going or how you were getting there. Your business is one journey you need a map for.

By having a financial roadmap, you are in control. You decide where you want to get to and can be in the driving seat with greater visibility than if you were going blind. Scroll down for details on each module.

6 modules
2-4 hrs
Module 1

This module looks at why business planning is important and why finances are a crucial part of it – not something to be shied away from.

Module 2
Where do you want to go?

For a business to be successful, personal and business goals should be aligned. Once you have clarity on those goals, the planning can really take shape. We look at your own wish list, the potential that the business could have and how to set realistic financial targets.

Module 3
Build your business from one page of A4

By the end of this module, you’ll have a strong idea of what a business plan is and why it is a document to guide you, rather than one that you prepare for somebody else. You’ll have prepared your own focused business plan and you’ll know exactly where you are taking the business.

Module 4
Identifying business risk & overcoming difficulties

Now that you know where you’re heading, it’s worth anticipating some of the obstacles that may threaten your business money. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. We will give you the space to think about what might be the obstacles that you encounter and how you’ll overcome them - or avoid them in the first place.

Module 5

Journeys aren’t always about looking ahead. We'll work though a success checklist to make sure that you and your business are on a route to higher profit, wealth and wellness, how to be constructively critical and how to keep imposter syndrome at bay.

Module 6

A review of everything that we’ve learned so far, with key takeaways and signposts to resources to round off your learning.

Maximising Profit

You work hard in your business and you deserve to be successful as a result. One measure of business success is profitability so it’s frustrating when opportunities slip through your fingers. That is what maximising profit is all about. This course helps you to identify where opportunity lies within your business and how to rise them to the top. Scroll down for details on each module.

6 modules
2-4 hrs
Module 1

For nearly all businesses, survival requires two things: profitability and cash. Gross profit, net profit, EBITDA...There’s no shortage of jargon, but once you’ve been shown the difference and what it means to you, you’ll be fluent.

Most importantly, you'll know what's relevant to your business and be pleasantly surprised at the simplicity.

Module 2
Your business, your profit

The most important thing is understanding what profit means to you and how you make it and that not all businesses are the same. We look at how to find out what is typical for your business and how to benchmark, manage expectations and make decisions that impact profit.

Module 3
How to price for profit

Pricing is a stumbling block to many business owners. We look at different pricing strategies and the mindset techniques that will enable you to overcome hesitations of achieving maximum reward for your efforts. You will identify which strategy is right for you and finish with a strength of conviction and confidence.

Module 4
Identify undiscovered profit opportunities

Nearly all businesses can improve their bottom line by doing what they are already doing, but doing it differently. We look at ways of identifying those opportunities within your business, looks at case studies of how other businesses have increased profits without increasing workloads. In short, working differently, working smarter and not harder.

Module 5
Cost management & what to do if your business isn’t profitable

There comes a time when all businesses should look at its cost base. We shine a light on the frequent places that businesses hemorrhage profit and will give you tips and tricks to turn your business around.

Module 6

A review of everything that we’ve learned so far, with key takeaways and signposts to resources to round off your learning.

Cash Queen

Step up to your power and become a cash queen. Cash is the life blood of your business and it's a sorry fact that nearly always, the number one cause of failure in a business is lack of cash. But not if you are a queen! Scroll down for details on each module.

6 modules
2-4 hrs
Module 1

Why is cash so important? How can a business be profitable and not have any money? We look at the role of cash in the business, the difference between cash and profit and your role in making your money work for you, as well as how to avoid the biggest mistakes that small businesses make.

Module 2
How to understand how cash flows and how to forecast

To be able to control cashflow, you need to be able to predict how your business activities will influence the money that comes in and leaves your business. We teach the fundamentals of a cash flow forecast & how to prepare one for the short and the long term.

Module 3
Using your cashflow forecast to steer your business to abundance

Once you have the bones of your cash flow, you have the opportunity to influence how to maximise cash in your business. We examine the practical tips and tricks that you can adopt.

Module 4
How to navigate cash flow troughs

There will come a point in many business life cycles where, despite good sales, cash available doesn’t meet the needs of the business. We look at different ways to overcome periods where funds are low or where extra cash is needed for a myriad of reasons, and ways to get cash into the business with confidence and ease.

Module 5
How to reward yourself tax efficiently

One of your reasons for being in business is to make money. We look at the different ways in which you can move money from your business into your personal life in the most tax efficient way.

Module 6

A review of everything that we’ve learned so far, with key takeaways and signposts to resources to round off your learning.

Ever Ready Exit

Many entrepreneurs think that buying and selling businesses is for other people and that their business is only a source of monthly income for them. When they have had enough, the business will close. Every business has a value and can be attractive to investors.Did you know that your business is twice as valuable as you think it is, and that you can have your cake and sell it? Scroll down for details on each module.

6 modules
2-4 hrs
Module 1

It’s highly likely that the last thing on your radar now is selling your business. But listen up! There’s two super important reasons why it needs to be. 1) It is likely at some point you will need to open up your business for outside finance. 2) You can have two bites of the sweet succulence that is your business cherry. One from the profit, and the second from the sale of all or part of your business. And those cherries are juiciest when you build and nurture your business to sell, right from the early days.

Module 2
How to attract finance

This module looks at the different sources of funds, the pros and cons with each of them, and at when they might be right to introduce into your business. You can then use this knowledge to expertly navigate the journey getting the right kind of money at the right kind of time.

Module 3
Talk about your business with confidence

If you’ve ever watched Dragons Den, you’ll be familiar with the scenario. Entrepreneur with great idea stands before potential investors and asks for money. Some are successful, more are not. One key thing that makes an investor say yes is an entrepreneur who can talk about their business with confidence. This module will show you what’s important and what’s not. What key facts should trip off your tongue as easily as you can recite the alphabet. Master these and they’ll be putty in your hands.

Module 4
Where to find investors and how to attract them

How do you create a business that is attractive to investors that you will want to strike a deal with and share your values? What information should you share? When should you start the search? Where do they hang out? This module answers all of these questions and more, leaving you clear on what you need to do.

Module 5
Value your business & max out its potential

Valuing a business is sometimes a dark art and there are many different ways to do it. But if you know how yours is valued from the beginning, you can use this knowledge to make the best decisions that will benefit long term gain. This module discusses different techniques and what to use and when as well as pointing to sources for more information.

Module 6

A review of everything that we’ve learned so far, with key takeaways and signposts to resources to round off your learning.

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