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Permission to be Helped: How Martine helps me balance business & home

Permission to be Helped: How Martine helps me balance business & home

August 23, 2024
Deborah Edwards

For over six years, Martine,  has been a crucial part of our family. Martine you see, has provided us with a cleaning service that goes beyond changing beds and making sure our bathroom is spotless. Martine enables me to be a better business leader, partner, and mum. In short, her support enables me to maximise my time and focus on what I do best.

Getting Comfortable with Having a Cleaner

During a recent Raised Up Retreat, an interesting conversation arose among the attendees. Half of the group struggled with the concept of having a cleaner. This hesitation often stems from our closer circles. Does having a cleaner make us lazy? And if so, where on earth does that belief come from?!

The Value of Time and Expertise

The truth is, hiring a cleaner like Martine isn’t about laziness; it's about maximising our time and output. As a business leader and parent, my time is incredibly strained. By delegating cleaning tasks to Martine, I can focus on areas where my expertise truly shines (and it's not in the bathroom mirror).

The Maths and Money

Consider the financial aspect: if I spend an hour cleaning, that’s an hour I’m not dedicating to my business. The revenue I generate from an hour of work far exceeds the cost of hiring Martine. By focusing on what I excel at, I not only enhance my productivity but also generate more income, which benefits my family in the long run. It means that the cost of living doesn't impact me as much as it could. It means I can take my family on trips. Her help has taught me the power of delegation and the importance of focusing on high-value tasks that only I can do.

Beyond the Cost: The Value of Martine

But let's not get hung up that it's all about releasing me to work harder or longer and considering that Martine’s value goes beyond the monetary cost of her services, she's an investment well worth making. Every Friday, when she comes in, I feel a sense of relief and rejuvenation. Knowing that my home is being taken care of also allows me to relax and enjoy my time doing what brings joy over the weekend, or at least, doing what only I can do knowing that these chores are already taken care of. This peace of mind and the positive feelings she brings are priceless, contributing significantly to my overall well-being (and if I'm honest, those around me as Martine's cleaning skills far outweigh my own thoroughness), leaving me refreshed for the next week ahead and feeling like I am, in small ways at least, winning! I won't even tell you what that Friday Feeling feels like!

Embracing the Support

Embracing the support someone like Martine has been transformative but it takes a certain kind of self-permission, particularly if having a cleaner isn't something that your nearest and dearest have. Indeed, it may raise a few eyebrows but ignore them. It’s a decision that boosts my efficiency and effectiveness as a business leader and my patience as a Mum and partner. Rather than seeing it as a sign of laziness, it’s about recognising the value of time and the importance of leveraging support to achieve balance and success and being guilt free and comfortable with your own decision.

So if I haven't convinced you, I'm going to have one last effort. Martine’s role in our family is a testament to the positive impact that delegation and support can have on both personal and professional fronts. By letting go of tasks that others can do, whatever they might be, means we can focus on what we do best, leading to greater fulfilment &success in all areas of life. If you want to hear from others who say it far more eloquently than me, then I suggest you read "Untamed" by Glennon Doyle who I guarantee will free your mind of any limiting beliefs that you might have in this area.